Welcome To Maquoketa
Livestock Exchange

Welcome To The
Maquoketa Livestock Exchange

Bill Kilburg - Trucking & Field Rep
Cell: 563-357-0605
Web Site:maquoketalivestockexchange.com
Facebook: Maquoketa Livestock Exchange
Watch us Live on CattleUsa.com

About Us
As of 2021, Dan Powers & Family & Mike Franzen & Family have decided to continue business
within the Maquoketa Livestock Exchange.
Powers & Franzen had the opportunity to purchase a very good business and property from a hard-working family;
Robert & Myrna Larkey Estate and keeping the business in Jackson County, Iowa.
Being in the auction business for 75+ Years, Powers and Franzen wanted a new challenge added to their portfolio
Kevin Kilburg who has also been in the livestock & auction business for a number of years
will be managing this facility!
Bringing you many new improvements to make your experience better!
Who We Are
Maquoketa Livestock Exchange is a family owned and operated business. Our biggest priorities are honesty and customer service. We offer auctions in our heated facility or on site. Lunch stand located at the facility and open on sale days. We do our very best to accommodate both the buyer and seller by advertising in many area publications to reach as many people as possible with our auction services.
What We Do
We offer items for sale by auction for consignors. On the day of sale items will be shown, auctioned and sold "as is, where is" to the highest bidder. Items purchased by the bidder must be paid in full with cash or good check the day of the sale unless other arrangements have been made with the management.
Expertise Selling
Real Estate
Lawn & Garden